vanishing discipline
Architecture is becoming a system of investigation and invention in which
technical, functional or formal questions are no longer paradigmatic.
Paradigms and utopias tend to vanish, thus making credible hypothesis
recovery or ideological reinventions impossible.
Architecture conquered an uncertain role in the society, definitely becoming
self-conscious art form. The consciousness of this state of dissipation
of archi-
tecture considered as a discipline with an established theoretical corpus,
the scope of discussion outside established frontiers, blurring architectural
practice and discourse with other disciplines.
Architecture as a free open space, raises the doubt about what is architectural
expertise, nevertheless architecture still produces irreducible effects
legitimate its autonomy.
the vanishing discipline is a VIROSE project,
edited by:
Mari Viinikainen
mv@virose.pt and Duarte Soares Lema dsl@virose.pt
Web Master: Miguel
Cardoso mcardoso@virose.pt
Contact / Contributions: dep.arch@virose.pt