La Fiambrera Obrera, Spanish Urban Activists.
http://www.spacehijackers.co.uk The Space Hijackers, a group of Anarchitects based in London since 1999. http://www.msdm.org.uk msdm is an imaginary organisation founded in 1998 by paula roush to research mobile strategies of display & mediation. http://www.ecn.org/sciattoproduzie Sciatto, an Italian group of stage action and a laboratory of architectural planning. In action since 1990. http://subsol.c3.hu subsol, a large and well organised archive of art and activism.
http://recetasurbanas.net Santiago Cirugeda Homepage.
http://pretaprecaire.org Les dernières tendences des contrats précaires
http://lasnongratasclass.org Collectif d'artistes.